Will Open AI's SearchGPT Replace Google Search?

Will Open AI's SearchGPT Replace Google Search?

The search landscape is abuzz with the launch of OpenAI's SearchGPT, a prototype AI-powered search engine that promises to revolutionize the way we search the internet. The question on everyone's mind is: Will SearchGPT replace Google Search? No, not today, tomorrow, or even next year. But Google certainly has a challenger.

The Elephant in the Room: Google's Dominance

First and foremost, it's essential to acknowledge Google's sheer dominance in the search market. With a staggering 85% of all search traffic, Google is the undisputed king of search. To put it into perspective, Google processes over 40,000 search queries every second, which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day. That's a massive user base that won't be easy to sway.

SearchGPT's Uphill Battle

While SearchGPT's conversational search capabilities and AI-generated answers are impressive, it's crucial to remember that Google is no stranger to innovation. Google has already integrated AI into its search results with AI Overviews, and its Gemini project aims to further enhance search capabilities. SearchGPT will need to outpace Google's updates and convince users to switch from a product they've grown accustomed to and one that’s built into most of the devices they use… at least for now

The Pace of Change

Let's be realistic — replacing Google won't happen overnight. “Replacement” won't happen this year, or next year, but a chipping away at Google’s dominance may happen. Google's stranglehold on search traffic is too strong, and SearchGPT will need time to gain traction. Moreover, users are creatures of habit, and changing their search behavior will require a significant shift in mindset. We (everyone) will better understand how popular SearchGPT will be as it rolls out to more users and the reviews start rolling in.

Impacts on SEO

So, what does this mean for SEOs? In my opinion, if we're optimizing correctly for search engines and current search engine results pages (SERPs), we'll be optimized for SearchGPT or other AI-driven search engines. The goal of search engines, whether traditional or AI-powered, is to deliver the most satisfying result to the user. As SEOs, our job is to write content that satisfies users and helps search engines understand that content. An AI search engine changes very little about that.

The Future of Search

While SearchGPT is an exciting development in the search landscape, it's too early to predict whether it will replace Google. Google's dominance, combined with its own innovation efforts, makes it a formidable opponent. SearchGPT will need to focus on winning over users and providing a significantly better search experience at the same time to gain traction. Google just needs to continue innovating as they have. “Just.”

As SEOs, our focus should remain on creating high-quality, user-centric content that resonates with our audience. By doing so, we'll be well prepared for any changes that SearchGPT or other AI-powered search engines may bring. Nothing pushes innovation more than healthy competition, and that’s just what Open AI has created with Search GPT. The future of search is exciting, and only time will tell how SearchGPT will shape it.

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